Scientific Translation Services

High-Quality Scientific Translation Services for Your Project
For 10 years, Wordely Agency has been assisting numerous Canadian and international companies with its specialized scientific translation services. We work in more than sixty languages, including English, German, Chinese, Dutch, Spanish, and many others. Highly responsive, each project is delivered on time and is ensured confidentiality by a scientific translator. Need a scientific translation? Contact us now to receive your free estimate in 30 minutes!
Scientific Document Translation
To receive a quote tailored to your project (free and without commitment), write to us using our quote form.
More Than 60 Languages Translated
Our translation company assists science professionals in translating numerous documents. Our translators translate exclusively into their native language in more than 60 languages:
- Albanian
- Belarusian
- Cantonese
- Danish
- Estonian
- French
- Hebrew
- Italian
- Kurdish
- Malay
- Polish
- Serbian
- Swedish
- Ukrainian
- Amharic
- Bengali
- Chinese
- Dari
- Farsi (Persian)
- Georgian
- Hindi
- Japanese
- Lao (Laotian)
- Mandarin
- Portuguese
- Slovak
- Tamil
- Urdu
- Arabic
- Bosnian
- Croatian
- Dutch
- Finnish
- German
- Hungarian
- Khmer (Cambodian)
- Latvian
- Moldovan
- Romanian
- Slovenian
- Thai
- Uzbek
- Armenian
- Bulgarian
- Czech
- English
- Flemish
- Greek
- Indonesian
- Korean
- Lithuanian
- Norwegian
- Russian
- Spanish
- Turkish
- Vietnamese
A Scientific Translator at the Service of Your Project
Our scientific translation services are systematically reviewed by a second linguist and then revised by an internal project manager. We thus guarantee high-quality translations that will respect all the terminologies of the scientific sectors and the stakes of your project.

FAQ About Our Scientific Translation Services
Who can translate a scientific document?
Only a professional and experienced translator in the scientific field can deliver quality work tailored to your needs. The specialist you work with must know the specific jargon of the sector (chemistry, physics, medicine, pharmacy). Indeed, each piece of information must be translated with precision to obtain reliable translations.
What are the turnaround times for your scientific translation services?
Wordely and its translators can meet all your deadline requests, even the most urgent ones. For this, we call upon several translators who will work simultaneously on your project. You can thus be sure to receive your perfectly translated documents in just a few hours when necessary.
How much does a scientific translation cost?
The cost of our scientific translation services depends on many factors such as the target and source language of the file, the file’s layout, the text’s technicality (article, patent, prescription, etc.). The delivery deadline and the scientific translator’s experience will also impact the overall amount of your project.
How can you be sure of the quality of your scientific translation services?
Your translations will be carried out by an experienced scientific translator who knows your field of activity. Each translation will then be reviewed by a second linguist, then revised by a project manager. Finally, our team remains at your disposal for any questions, even after the delivery of the translated documents.