Pharmaceutical Translation Services
High-Quality Translations For The Pharmaceutical Industry
Research laboratories work daily on new medications, and companies market these products in the form of tablets, powders, or aerosols. In this context, numerous scientific documents, regulatory compliance documents, or patient information leaflets need to be translated. That’s why Wordely offers its pharmaceutical translation services in more than 60 languages through our network of translators specialized in the pharmacy field.
For more than 10 years, numerous pharmaceutical groups, distributors, laboratories, and commercial companies have trusted our services. All appreciate the quality of our translations in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Hungarian, Dutch, Swedish, German, Chinese, Japanese, and many other languages. They are also satisfied with our high responsiveness and customized solutions to meet all their multilingual challenges, regardless of the destination country. Do you wish to translate pharmaceutical documents quickly? Contact us now and receive our personalized quote in 30 minutes.
Our Pharmaceutical Translation Services in 60 Languages
- Albanian
- Belarusian
- Cantonese
- Danish
- Estonian
- French
- Hebrew
- Italian
- Kurdish
- Malay
- Polish
- Serbian
- Swedish
- Ukrainian
- Amharic
- Bengali
- Chinese
- Dari
- Farsi (Persian)
- Georgian
- Hindi
- Japanese
- Lao (Laotian)
- Mandarin
- Portuguese
- Slovak
- Tamil
- Urdu
- Arabic
- Bosnian
- Croatian
- Dutch
- Finnish
- German
- Hungarian
- Khmer (Cambodian)
- Latvian
- Moldovan
- Romanian
- Slovenian
- Thai
- Uzbek
- Armenian
- Bulgarian
- Czech
- English
- Flemish
- Greek
- Indonesian
- Korean
- Lithuanian
- Norwegian
- Russian
- Spanish
- Turkish
- Vietnamese
Pharmaceutical translations are a particular specialization within medical document translation. Packaging, leaflets, commercial documents, and regulatory documents must be translated into the language of your target audience. They must also consider cultural nuances and the healthcare systems of your audience to be fully compliant with legislation.
That’s why Wordely surrounds itself with a vast network of professional translators specialized in pharmacy. Rigorously selected, all translate into their native language and are knowledgeable about the rules and subtleties of the pharmacy field. By working with our translation agency, you are guaranteed to receive high-quality pharmaceutical translation services, tailored to all your needs!
Wordely, The Specialist in Document Translation For The Pharmacy Industry
We translate a wide range of documents daily for professionals in the pharmaceutical industry:
Would you like to get a quote? Contact us now by email or through our contact form. We will send you our personalized offer in less than 30 minutes.
FAQ About Our Pharmaceutical Translation Services
Why use a translator specialized in the pharmacy sector?
Only a translator specialized in pharmaceutical translation services will possess a deep knowledge of medical and pharmaceutical jargon, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of each translation received. This expertise is crucial in a field where errors are unacceptable and regulatory compliance is essential for marketing medications or medical devices.
In what file formats can you work?
Our pharmaceutical translation company deals with a large number of files for our clients’ projects every day. We work with written files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, scanned documents) as well as video files, web files (HTML, JSON), and many types of files.
How much do our pharmaceutical translation services cost?
The cost depends on the type of document to be translated as well as the language pair, the number of words, and the desired delivery deadline. Other elements such as proofreading, interpretation, transcription, or layout services, for example in the context of translating medication packaging, may also affect this cost.